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76008 Magazine

The Aledo Volunteer Fire Department

The Aledo Volunteer Fire Department (“Aledo VFD”) was established in 1951 by members of the Aledo community to provide fire protection and emergency services to the surrounding area. Due to rapid growth, and the demands of operating costs, Aledo VFD joined Parker County Emergency Services District No. 1 through an election process in 2013. Since the merger, ESD 1 has constructed 2 new fire stations in the Aledo/Annetta area, hired full time firefighters, and acquired improved apparatus and equipment. Firehouse No. 34 is on Baily Ranch Road and Firehouse No. 37 is located on Thunderhead Lane at FM5 near Stuard Elementary. Aledo VFD operates in conjunction with ESD 1 out of these fire stations to

protect the citizens of the Aledo area.

In December of 2016, Aledo VFD began the Fireman Santa project during the Christmas season to collect canned food and non-perishable items for the Manna House at Aledo United Methodist Church, and the Center of Hope. It began as a trail- er with Christmas lights and décor touring neighborhoods with a firetruck around Aledo. In 2018, the volunteers purchased a new trailer and built a sleigh on the trailer. The members look forward to this event every year and the community has really embraced this project.

Last year, we collected over 4,000 pounds of food for the food pantry. The event Kicks off Dec. 5th at 4pm at the Bistro 1031 in Aledo.

Today, the volunteer department looks a little different than it did years ago. Most of our members work assigned shifts at the fire stations alongside full time personnel providing 24/7 initial response coverage for the community. Volunteer members also respond on occasion from home when summoned for large-scale emergencies that require additional personnel. Much of our fundraising goes toward Fireman Santa and Fire Prevention public relation events. In 2018, we received a grant to purchase a “Sparky the Fire Dog” mascot. We also provide a Life and Fire Safety characterization program to K-4th grade in all elementary schools across ESD 1, educating thousands of children each year. Aledo Volunteer Fire Department is a non-profit organization, operating contractually with Emergency Services District 1 in collaborative effort to protect the lives and property of Aledo area residents.

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